Utopolis Belval and Kirchberg cinemas in Luxembourg to become Kinepolis

| General

Almost eighteen months after the acquisition of the Utopolis operations in Luxembourg by Kinepolis Group NV, the transition of Utopolis Kirchberg and Utopolis Belval to Kinepolis is gradually also becoming visible for visitors. From 5 April, all customer transactions in both cinemas will switch over to the software system of Kinepolis Group and the www.utopolis.lu website will be replaced by www.kinepolisluxembourg.lu. The Kinepolis 'Movie Card' and 'Family Card' subscription formulas will also be introduced in April.

The commercial names of Utopolis Kirchberg and Utopolis Belval will be changed to Kinepolis Kirchberg and Kinepolis Belval and the Kinepolis logo will also become visible. The name of Ciné Utopia, however, will remain unchanged.

In an initial phase, automatic ticketing systems will be installed in both the Kirchberg and Belval cinemas. In addition, the existing seats and carpet inside the cinema of Kinepolis Kirchberg will be replaced and Kinepolis' Cosy Seating and Laser ULTRA concepts will be installed. Cosy Seats are even more comfortable seats with extra-wide armrests, featuring a handy table for drinks and snacks, and a small coat hook. Cinema-goers will be able to opt for Cosy Seats for an additional fee on top of the regular ticket price. The renovated Kirchberg cinema will also have its very own 'Laser ULTRA' room. With Laser ULTRA, Kinepolis combines the best laser projection with an immersive Dolby Atmos sound system for an even more intense movie experience with the best picture quality and sound. Until now, Kinepolis has only Laser ULTRA rooms in Brussels and Antwerp (Belgium), Utrecht and Breda (Netherlands), Lomme and Fenouillet (France) and Madrid (Spain).

At a later stage, probably at the start of next year, a bigger renovation of the Kirchberg cinema complex is planned, for which the required permits will be applied over the coming months. The Utopolis insignia will be kept on the outside of the buildings for now, at least until the renovation starts and the necessary permits are obtained.

About Kinepolis

Kinepolis Group NV was formed in 1997 as a result of the merger of two family-run cinema groups and was listed on the stock exchange in 1998. Kinepolis offers an innovative cinema concept which serves as a pioneering model within the industry. In addition to its cinema business, the Group is also active in film distribution, event organization, screen publicity and property management.

In Europe, Kinepolis Group NV has 64 cinemas spread across Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Poland. Since the acquisition of Canadian movie theatre group Landmark Cinemas and American movie theatre group MJR Theatres, Kinepolis also operates 36 cinemas in Canada and 10 in the US.

In total, Kinepolis Group currently operates 110 cinemas worldwide, with a total of 1,144 screens and more than 200,000 seats. Kinepolis’ employees are all committed to giving millions of visitors an unforgettable movie experience. More information on www.kinepolis.com/corporate.

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A. Van Troos,
Communication Manager

Kinepolis Group nv
The Office I
Moutstraat 132-146
B - 9000 Gent

E: pressoffice@kinepolis.com
T: +32 9 241 00 16


Kinepolis Group NV
Schelde 1
Moutstraat 132-146
B-9000 Gent

+32 9 241 00 00