Kinepolis Group: Notification from Kinohold BIS, Joost Bert and Kinepolis Group dd 3/11/08

| Financial
In accordance with the relevant transparency legislation (Law of 2 May 2007 and Royal Decree of 14 February 2008), the Kinepolis Group NV states that it has received the following notification on 29 October 2008:   Situation as at 1 September 2008 (statement in accordance with Article 29 of the Law of 2 May 2007): * Kinohold Bis SA: 2,385,038 voting rights (34.41%) * Mr. Joost Bert: 41,600 voting rights (0.60%) * Kinepolis Group: 144,018 voting rights (2.08%)   Together: 2,570,656 voting rights (37.09%)   Kinohold Bis SA, which controls the Kinepolis Group NV, is controlled by Kinohold, a Stichting Administratiekantoor established under Dutch law, which in its turn is jointly controlled by Mr. Joost Bert, Geert Bert, Koenraad Bert and Peter Bert and Ms. Marie-Suzanne Bert-Vereecke. In addition, Mr. Joost Bert and Kinohold Bis SA act in mutual consultation as defined in Article 3, §1, 13° a) of the Law of 2 May 2007.   The notification in question was published on the website of the Kinepolis Group under "Corporate Governance / Transparency and other notices".     Jan Staelens CFO

About Kinepolis

Kinepolis Group NV was formed in 1997 as a result of the merger of two family-run cinema groups and was listed on the stock exchange in 1998. Kinepolis offers an innovative cinema concept which serves as a pioneering model within the industry. In addition to its cinema business, the Group is also active in film distribution, event organization, screen publicity and property management.

In Europe, Kinepolis Group NV has 64 cinemas spread across Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Poland. Since the acquisition of Canadian movie theatre group Landmark Cinemas and American movie theatre group MJR Theatres, Kinepolis also operates 36 cinemas in Canada and 10 in the US.

In total, Kinepolis Group currently operates 110 cinemas worldwide, with a total of 1,144 screens and more than 200,000 seats. Kinepolis’ employees are all committed to giving millions of visitors an unforgettable movie experience. More information on

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A. Van Troos,
Communication Manager

Kinepolis Group nv
The Office I
Moutstraat 132-146
B - 9000 Gent

T: +32 9 241 00 16


Kinepolis Group NV
Schelde 1
Moutstraat 132-146
B-9000 Gent

+32 9 241 00 00