Regulatory release
*Kinepolis is consolidating its strategic objectives to be the best marketeer, the best cinema operator and the best cinema property manager.
*Kinepolis continues to invest in customer experience, digitalisation (3D), remodelling and new concepts, which supports greater recognition and customer consumption.
*During the third quarter, this led, in combination with a strong film offering, to a rise in the number of visitors and higher box office revenue (revenue from ticket sales). During the third quarter, 3D-film tickets accounted for one fifth of the total number of tickets sold.
*The total number of visitors by 30 September was 15.8 million, an increase of 4.4% compared to 2009.
*In-theatre sales (ITS) (revenue from the sale of drinks, snacks and retail in the cinema) and business-to-business (B2B) revenue increased further during the third quarter.
*Further variabilisation of the cost structure and efficiency enhancing measures continue to contribute to an increase in the current EBITDA. The free cash flow in line with the result.
*Kinepolis achieved an added value of EUR 1.4 million in the first phase of the Gent real estate project (Belgium), in cooperation with the Blyweert Group.