Half-yearly Financial Report 30 June 2012
Press Release - regulated information
23 August 2012 - 6.30am
* 9.4 million admissions: 2.1% less than the first half of 2011
* Combined 0.7% rise in Box Office revenue and In-theatre Sales (ITS)
* Strong growth in Business-to-Business (B2B) revenue
* Real estate: rental income up
* Positive impact of Brightfish acquisition
* Digitisation complete: Kinepolis 100% digital
* Current EBITDA 6.6% higher than previous year
* Current profit up by 9.6%
* Increase in free cash flow from EUR 14.2 million to EUR 15.6 million
* Rise in net financial debt from EUR 76.5 million on 31 December 2011 to EUR 104.8 million on 30 June 2012 due to the share buy-back for EUR 30.7 million and the dividend payments of EUR 10.6 million