Glossary and APM's

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The glossary below also contains Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) that are aimed to improve the transparency of financial information.

  • Gross result
    Revenue – Cost of sales
  • Operating result (EBIT)
    Gross result – marketing and selling expenses ‐ administrative expenses + other operating income ‐ other operating expenses
  • Adjusted operating result
    Operating result after eliminating adjustments; is used to reflect the operating result from normal operating activities
  • EBIT
    Earnings before tax
    Operating result + depreciations + amortisations + impairments + movements in provisions
    EBITDA less costs related to lease contracts (excl. rent abatements and common charges)
  • Adjusted EBITDA
    EBITDA after eliminating adjustments; is used to reflect the EBITDA from normal operating activities
  • Adjustments
    This category primarily includes results from the disposal of fixed assets, impairment losses on assets, provisions, costs from restructuring and acquisitions and other exceptional income and expenses.
  • Financial result
    Financial income ‐ financial expenses
  • Effective tax rate
    Income tax expense / profit before tax
  • Adjusted result
    Result for the period after eliminating adjustments; is used to reflect the result from normal operating activities
  • Result for the period, share of the Group
    Result attributable to equity holders of the Company
  • Basic result per share
    Result for the period, share of the Group / (average number of outstanding shares – average number of treasury shares)
  • Diluted result per share
    Result for the period, share of the Group / (average number of outstanding shares – average number of treasury shares + number of possible new shares that must be issued under the existing share option plans x dilution effect of the share option plans)
  • Dividend
    Payment of the result of a company to its shareholders
  • Pay-out ratio
    The pay-out ratio indicates which part of the net result is being paid to the shareholders
  • Capital expenditure
    Capitalised investments in intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investment property
    - Maintenance
    - Digital equipment
    - Remodeling
    - Expansion
  • Gross financial debt
    Non-current and current financial liabilities
  • Net financial debt
    Financial debt after deduction of cash and cash equivalents and tax shelter investments
  • Net financial debt excl. lease liabilities
    Financial debt excluding lease liabilities after deduction of cash and cash equivalents and tax shelter investments
  • ROCE (Return on capital employed)
    Adjusted EBIT / (average non‐current assets – average deferred tax assets + average assets held for sale + average trade receivables + average inventory – average trade payables)
  • Current Ratio
    Current assets / current liabilities
  • Free cash flow
    Cash flow from operating activities – maintenance capital expenditures for intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and investment property – interest paid

Definitions that are no longer used

  • Recurring operating result (REBIT)
    Operating result after eliminating adjustments; is used to reflect the operating result from normal operating activities
  • Recurring EBITDA (REBITDA)
    EBITDA after eliminating adjustments; is used to reflect the EBITDA from normal operating activities
    EBITDA after eliminating rental costs related to complexes; improves the comparability of results before and after the acquisition of Canadian activities
    REBITDA after eliminating rental costs related to complexes; improves the comparability of results before and after the acquisition of Canadian activities
  • Non‐recurring transactions
    This category primarily includes results from the disposal of fixed assets, impairment losses on assets, provisions, costs from restructuring and acquisitions and other exceptional income and expenses
  • Rental costs related to complexes
    Rental cost of the cinema complex
  • Recurring result
    Result for the period after eliminating adjustments; is used to reflect the result from normal operating activities
  • Excluding IFRS 16
    The figures, applying the new lease standard IFRS 16, have been recalculated according to the former lease standard IAS 17 to make the comparability between the figures of previous reporting periods more transparent.


Kinepolis Group NV
Schelde 1
Moutstraat 132-146
B-9000 Gent

+32 9 241 00 00